Tuesday, November 24, 2009

So I'm a junkie, right?

And I've been clean now for six months, as I explained in my last post. But I'm really starting to jones for the stuff, you know? I keep thinking about it, and it's almost like I can taste it. But I'm good—I stay clean. I'm not going back.

Sure, maybe I visit my dealer's web site once every couple of days. At least it's not every day. And maybe I listen to my dealer's soundtrack while I'm working. So what?

Then today I get an email from my dealer. "Your account has been selected to receive 7 free days of game time. Come back! Come back!"

It's a good thing I'm on a tight deadline right now. But I have a feeling that once that deadline is past, I'm going to spend 7 days reminding myself of all the reasons why I don't like this particular drug...


Anonymous said...

Stay strong. I has been 1 year, 3 months and 14 days since I last shamelessly indulged.

Donny_the_DM said...

Yes you are, but look at it this way, you are a junkie for a gaming system that was designed by some of the greatest minds in the business to MAKE you a junkie - their junkie.

2 years, 7 months, 13 days since my last hit :)

One day at a time...

Anonymous said...

Stand firm, James! Don't think you can fill that void with some mindless grinding!

What are you working on, by the way?

Jaydot said...

I, too, have been feeling the lure, but for some reason my computer crashes frequently when I run it. It's as if my computer itself is warning me away, and I cannot help but heed it.

Stay strong.

If only we could put some kind of pithy saying on a rubber bracelet for you.

N! said...

You'll probably be back when Cataclysm drops. I know I will.

Leo9sign said...

I have accomplished a lot since I stopped playing. Thinking back at all those hours lost. The only thing I can claim is that I was entertained during that time. Now I am running Longtooth Studios, I am attending school, I run a weekly game that my son is included in. Best thing I have done in a while was to give up WOW. Be strong.