Tuesday, November 24, 2009
So I'm a junkie, right?
Saturday, November 14, 2009
World of Warcrack
Thursday, November 12, 2009

As D&D monsters go, these are intentionally dirt-simple. They have one or two powers, which often very closely mimic powers possessed by the monsters in WoW. They're designed to play fast and easy. I wish, in retrospect, I'd done something to make them interact better with each other, but hey . . . they're murlocs. :)
Have fun!
Saltspittle Muckdweller Level 7 Artillery
Medium natural humanoid, murloc XP 300
Initiative +7 Senses Perception +5
HP 61; Bloodied 30
AC 19; Fortitude 19; Reflex 20; Will 18
Speed 8, swim 8
m Spear (at-will; standard) • Weapon
+14 vs AC; 1d8 + 4 damage.
r Spear (at-will; standard) • Weapon
Ranged 10; +14 vs AC; 3d6 + 4 damage and the target is slowed (save ends).
Alignment Unaligned Languages Murloc
Str 16 (+6) Dex 19 (+7) Wis 14 (+5)
Con 13 (+4) Int 8 (+2) Cha 10 (+3)
Saltspittle Oracle Level 7 Artillery (Leader)
Medium natural humanoid, murloc XP 300
Initiative +6 Senses Perception +7
HP 61; Bloodied 30
AC 19; Fortitude 19; Reflex 19; Will 20
Speed 8, swim 8
m Staff (at-will; standard) • Weapon
+14 vs AC; 1d8 + 4 damage.
r Shock (at-will; standard) • Lightning
Ranged 10; +12 vs Reflex; 3d6 + 4 lightning damage.
R Healing Wave (recharge 6; standard) • Healing
Ranged 5; the target can spend a healing surge.
Alignment Unaligned Languages Murloc
Str 16 (+6) Dex 16 (+6) Wis 18 (+7)
Con 13 (+4) Int 8 (+2) Cha 13 (+4)
Saltspittle Puddlejumper Level 7 Skirmisher
Medium natural humanoid, murloc XP 300
Initiative +9 Senses Perception +5
HP 77; Bloodied 38
AC 21; Fortitude 19; Reflex 20; Will 18
Speed 8, swim 8
m Spear (at-will; standard) • Weapon
+12 vs AC; 2d6 + 4 damage.
Rushing Charge
When charging, the puddlejumper's speed is 10 and it deals +1d6 damage.
Alignment Unaligned Languages Murloc
Str 16 (+6) Dex 19 (+7) Wis 14 (+5)
Con 13 (+4) Int 8 (+2) Cha 10 (+3)
Saltspittle Warrior Level 7 Soldier
Medium natural humanoid, murloc XP 300
Initiative +8 Senses Perception +5
HP 77; Bloodied 38
AC 23; Fortitude 20; Reflex 19; Will 18
Speed 8, swim 8
m Sword (at-will; standard) • Weapon
+14 vs AC; 2d6 + 4 damage and the target is marked until the end of the warrior's next turn.
M Sunder Armor (recharge 4 5 6; standard)
+14 vs AC; 3d10 + 4 damage and the target takes a -2 penalty to AC (save ends).
M Shield Bash (at-will; opportunity) • Weapon
+14 vs AC; 1d8 + 4 damage and the target is dazed until the end of the warrior's next turn.
Alignment Unaligned Languages Murloc
Str 19 (+7) Dex 16 (+6) Wis 14 (+5)
Con 13 (+4) Int 8 (+2) Cha 10 (+3)